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Move FAQs

Do I need to pack my desk?

Yes, you will need to pack your workstation/office contents, unless arrangements have been made to have the moving company pack for you.

If the Movers are packing for me, do I need to do anything to prepare?

Movers do not pack personal items.  This includes framed photos and art, mini fridges, etc.  Personal items are identified as anything not University owned.  In the event that something is damaged in transport, insurance will not cover personal items.

Can I take my chair?

Task chairs are provided at all workstations and offices in the newly renovated Classroom and Office Building 1 (COB1). Unless there is a documented accommodation, with Human Resources, existing task chairs will not be moved.  Please email if you need your task chair relocated.  Notification must be received by September 15th, to accommodate this request.

I have a monitor I no longer need. What do I do with it?

Any office supplies and/or equipment, that is no longer needed, needs to follow the Surplus Property Process. For more information, please visit the Surplus Property Overview and/or contact Lori Callaway.  Upon completion of packing, any surplus items not picked up, should be staged in a single location with surplus tags attached, so they are not mistakenly transported as part of the move. If you are in need of additional assistance with surplussing items, please work with your department specialist.

Do I pack my trash cans?

You can pack your trash cans, if you like; however, trash in the newly renovated Classroom and Office Building 1 (COB1) is all centralized.  This means there will be no individual desk trash pick-up. Recycle/Trash/Compost bins will be available at designated locations throughout the building. If you do elect to pack your trash can, put a label on it, and know you will be responsible for emptying it at one of the various locations.

I have a mini fridge, will that be moved for me?

Mini fridges and microwaves will not be relocated.  Workstations, offices, and work rooms are not designed to accommodate the added load of power to accommodate these appliances.  A breakroom has been added to the third floor and is outfitted with a refrigerator and microwave.

Is there a reason my labels are a specific color?

Yes, the moving label colors are specific to where your contents are being moved. Refer to the Move Packing Guidelines to understand what color applies to you. If you believe you received the incorrect color, please email:

If I run out of labels, do I write on the box?

Please do not write on the box, as these will be reused for future moves.  If you run out of labels, please contact  Additional labels will be provided within two business days.

Where do the labels go?

Boxes, monitors, and applicable cabinets, have designated locations for placing the labels.  These locations are indicated to aid in expediting the move.  These locations are provided in the Move Packing Guidelines.

What if I run out of boxes?

A bundle of 20 boxes will be provided for each faculty/staff.  If you need additional boxes, please pull from the central, designated location within your building.

Do I pack my phone?

If your phone is a VoIP handset, then yes, please pack.  If it is an older version Analog phone, please leave behind.

How do I pack my keyboard tray?

Please contact and arrangements will be made to uninstall your keyboard tray.

My monitors are mounted to my desk, how do I pack that?

Please contact and arrangements will be made to uninstall your monitor arms.

What happens to furniture the department bought? Can I move that?

In addition to desks, offices are outfitted with a task chair, overhead storage, a guest chair, and bookcase. If you have any furniture specific inquiries, please reach out to

What do I do with my desk keys?

Leave desk keys behind, with the keys in the cores.

What do I do with my office keys? How do I get new keys?

Key return and pick-up will be at the Lock Shop.  Lock Shop hours are 11:00am -12:00pm and then again 2:00pm-3:00pm.  These hours apply to campus working days only (not weekends and/or holidays). If these times do not work for you, please call the Lock Shop to schedule a time that accommodates your schedule. Lock Shop: (209) 228-LOCK

Is there a specific way to access the building and my work space, for packing?

Yes, due to Covid there are specific paths of travel that need to be followed to ensure Social Distancing is maintained. These are posted within the buildings and have been issued to supervisors, as part of the packing schedule.

After the move is over, does this mean I can return to work?

While your contents are being moved, this DOES NOT mean you can return to work. Reopening of the building will be determined by the Chancellor and the Provost. Until the reopening has been determined, the building will not be accessible. Staff will not be able to access their new workspace and the building will remain closed.

Still have a question? Just email and additional clarification will be provided.