Below is a list of compiled frequently asked questions, as it relates to the re-occupancy of basement and level 01 of the BSP Building.
Q: Why was the building vacated?
A: The initial issue was the Fire Marshal interpretation of final documentation for occupancy. Upon final testing for Certificate of Occupancy (CofO) it was revealed that there was an error in the system sequencing and programming, in the event of a fire. The negative pressure created by the fire supersession process affected building egress. The contractor is currently addressing this issue.
Q: When can I get back into my lab and office?
A: Once the Office of the State Fire Marshal issues CofO for the entire building, re-occupancy will occur. At this time, a date is unknown.
Q: I need to grab something from my lab. Can I go into the building to retrieve it?
A: At this time, no access is being permitted.
Q: Where have my chemicals been relocated to?
A: The SRE Building, with the exact location noted on your chemical inventory. For more information, please contact EH&S.
Q: How will my chemicals be returned to my lab?
A: EH&S will deliver chemicals back to their associated labs, once occupancy is permitted.
Q: When I return to my lab, what restrictions can I expect with regards to my lab?
A: Chemical amounts must remain under the Maximum Allowable Quantities (MAQ's) per control area as dictated by Fire Code. The first step is keeping an updated, accurate chemical inventory. The MAQ limits are a total per floor, not just your individual lab. Orders for chemicals that will cause us to exceed the MAQ will be denied, unless an alternate storage location in a different control area which is under the MAQ is identified.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) are required for certain chemicals, as identified on your chemical inventory with a “SOP required” tag, or sds with an H code of H314, H318, H300, H310, H330, H340, H341, H350, H360, H361, or is on the UCLA/Cal-OSHA settlement list which is posted here. Orders for these chemicals will be held until SOPs are written.
Q: I have critical research occurring. What is the work around?
A: As of now, no access is being allowed. A variety of safety options were proposed to the Office of the State Fire Marshal; however, they were not receptive to these ideas. This is regrettable and further options are currently being explored.
Q: I have ordered new equipment for my lab. When can I schedule delivery?
A: Occupants in basement and level 01 can schedule delivery of new equipment starting late November. Those on levels 02 through 04 should coordinate in relation to their move schedule.
Q: I am part of the Phase 01 move, when will my lab be moved now?
A: The remaining Phase 01 moves (basement and level 01) will occur immediately following issuance of CofO. At this time, this date is unknown.
Q: Can you give an update on when they might be back in BSP?
A: January 2021, but this has not been confirmed, this is our best projection at this time. SFM has not approved the proposed solution and has not provided a projected date.
Q: They have heard that a lot of people in facilities will be on vacation in Dec. Are there enough people working so they can do the work necessary to open BSP as soon as the fire marshal allows? They want to get in and work during the winter break if at all possible.
A: Facilities Management does not support this project. BSP and 2020 is Managed and staffed through Planning Design & Construction. While we will be on curtailment during winter break, we are available to accommodate any construction work that maybe approved by the SFM during this time. The critical nature of this work does not afford us to take the time off.
Q: Has the time period for insurance been extended? They need 30 days after they are back in and the building is open (unclear when 30 days after move ends)
A: Move insurance is in place until the closure of the contract. The 30 day time period will be maintained.
Q: Does the HVAC system need to be reprogrammed?
A: The proposed correction is reprogramming of the buildings operating systems including the HVAC. The proposed correction has not been approved by the SFM and adjustments to the submission are a possibility.
Q: Are more changes being made in individual labs (eg, to get the HVAC system operating properly) – anything they need to protect? They need to know in advance
A: No changes are proposed at this time nor included in the proposed solution. If individual lab changes are identified, the lab occupant will be notified prior to the start of the work.
Q: Is there any chance that the power would go off, and go off long enough so the backup power would go off? This is a major concern as it would ruin much of their work if freezers were not powered, for example. They are very, very concerned about the power going off. Can you give them some reassurance here?
A: To perform the final test of the proposed correction, the power is not required or scheduled to be interrupted or shut off. If a power shutdown is required, full coordination with the occupants will be scheduled to ensure all necessary steps are taken.
Q: Not knowing what is going on in the building is very distressing to them. Can you communicate more regularly with them, with more detailed information? And note that when memos go out saying that the moves are going just great, they feel like the knife is being twisted…. They ask to please be cognizant of how they are feeling in these communications.
A: We understand and acknowledge the stress they feel, and we too are distressed at the fact, we have no control over the SFM or the schedule. Information is disseminated as it is received, or as new information is provided. Planning Design & Construction has reached out directly to those effected with specific updates as information is available. We request daily updates from the SFM and typically do not receive new information to report on.
As for the other moves on campus; Planning Design & Construction is responsible for all the moves on campus at this time. Other than this unfortunate turn of events, moves are continuing per schedule.
FAQ’s updated on 11/24/2020 to capture the additional inquires Planning, Design, & Construction Management addressed on 11/20/2020.